
Posts by Kristen Matteucci

In a 2024 Year in Review blog post, HeinOnline highlighted six of its new databases. Among them is the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) database , which Jenkins members can access remotely. The ACUS, an independent federal agency with members from both the private and public...
If you’re looking for guidance or resources on family law issues such as custody, support, divorce, and Protection from Abuse, check out our Pennsylvania Family Law research guide . This online guide provides an overview of some of Jenkins' more popular secondary authorities on family law topics...
A computer screen with a list in a legal office. Created with Adobe Firefly AI.
Trying to remember the title of that treatise, practice guide, or sample form book you checked out of the library a while ago? Jenkins members can turn on their "Reading History" to keep track of print books that they've borrowed in the past. To protect our users' privacy, Jenkins...
Many counties in Pennsylvania publish their own reporters -- also called "Side Reports" -- which contain select trial court opinions for that county. LLMC Digital , a remotely accessible database available to all Jenkins members, has a collection of Pennsylvania Side Reports that includes PDF scans...
If you are a Philadelphian representing yourself in a debt collection case or a Landlord-Tenant case regarding non-payment of rent in Municipal Court, check out these new digital assistants for guidance: Consumer Debt Collection Information Bot (CODI) Tenant/Landlord Digital Assistant (T/LDA) These...
Did you try to read an e-book in the LexisNexis Digital Library (LNDL) , but get an error message that says that "something went wrong"? There's an easy fix! Click here or click "View Steps" below for step-by-step instructions. Hint: Start by signing out of LNDL ( not your Jenkins account). C lose...
In a recent episode of The Modern Law Library podcast , the ABA Journal’s Lee Rawles spoke with litigator Paul Golden about his new book, Litigating Adverse Possession Cases: Pirates v. Zombies . Now available to borrow from Jenkins , this engaging treatise is " the first known book which focuses...
Image of the exterior of the Philadelphia Family Court Building
Last week, we highlighted the many ways that law libraries are serving Self-Represented Litigants across the country . Several law libraries, including Jenkins, support or host self-help centers to offer assistance to pro se litigants and increase individuals’ access to justice. Starting in...
Last week, the National Center for State Courts ( ) launched a set of short, easy-to-understand videos to help explain the court system as well as legal terms and processes to members of the public. With the goal of helping Self-Represented Litigants better prepare for court hearings and...
The National Women's History Alliance has designated the 2024 Women's History Month theme as "Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion”, recognizing women who work to “ eliminate bias and discrimination entirely from our lives and institutions” and who...