
Jenkins Blog

The West Academic Digital Library provides remote access to their collection of Nutshells, Hornbooks, and Concise Hornbooks. Nutshells and Hornbooks make great reference guides, citing landmark cases, statutes, and articles. Members can read materials right in their browser, without the need to...
The IRS announced tax season will begin this Monday, January 27th. On Monday the IRS will open their Direct File program for taxpayers in 25 states -- including Pennsylvania. Direct File allows eligible taxpayers to file directly with the IRS for free. Additional eligible states include: Arizona,...
In a 2024 Year in Review blog post, HeinOnline highlighted six of its new databases. Among them is the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) database , which Jenkins members can access remotely. The ACUS, an independent federal agency with members from both the private and public...
A recent LLMC newsletter provides information regarding content updates they've made in the past year or so. Some of the main updates have been summarized below: LLMC has been working to identify and fill any gaps in their historical primary law collections, primarily for the jurisdictions of...
Jenkins Law Library will be closed for the upcoming holiday from Tuesday, December 24th through Wednesday, January 1st. However, there are numerous remote resources available that members of Jenkins can use for research in our absence! See below for some of our remotely accessible materials that...
The Greater Philadelphia GeoHistory Network offers thousands of historic maps, plans, and surveys that show the development of the city from 1600 forward. This resource is a pilot project of Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSCL). Institutions such as the Athenaeum...
If you’re looking for guidance or resources on family law issues such as custody, support, divorce, and Protection from Abuse, check out our Pennsylvania Family Law research guide . This online guide provides an overview of some of Jenkins' more popular secondary authorities on family law topics...
Looking to stay current on federal and state tax news? Bloomberg Law's Daily Tax Report compiles daily tax news all into one interface -- supplying coverage of legislative, regulatory, and legal tax developments. The user can either browse or search the daily tax report content. From the Daily Tax...
Since 1970, the Pennsylvania legislature has been working to consolidate Pennsylvania Unconsolidated Statutes into Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (Pa.C.S.), which are organized by subject. Prior to 1970, all Pennsylvania statutes were unconsolidated. Research was done using pamphlet laws and...
A computer screen with a list in a legal office. Created with Adobe Firefly AI.
Trying to remember the title of that treatise, practice guide, or sample form book you checked out of the library a while ago? Jenkins members can turn on their "Reading History" to keep track of print books that they've borrowed in the past. To protect our users' privacy, Jenkins...