
Administrative Conference of the United States Content Added to HeinOnline


In a 2024 Year in Review blog post, HeinOnline highlighted six of its new databases. Among them is the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) database, which Jenkins members can access remotely. 

The ACUS, an independent federal agency with members from both the private and public sectors, was established in 1964 for the purposes of improving efficiency, adequacy, and fairness in administrative processes. The Conference’s standing committees draft recommendations for the larger body’s consideration, focusing on topics such as Adjudication, Administration and Management, Judicial Review, Regulation, and Rulemaking. 

HeinOnline’s new collection includes a wide swath of the Conference’s work from its genesis in the 1960s through its defunding in 1995, as well as content subsequent to its re-convening in 2010. 

Included in the database are the Conference’s Annual Reports (1969-1995), Recommendations and Reports (1968 - 1995), transcripts from most of its Plenary Sessions, miscellaneous ACUS publications, and more. 

For those wanting greater insight into the recommendations made by the Conference, the Implementation Files should prove interesting. These files – arranged alphabetically both by Title and by Topic/Index Term – include articles, court filings, Congressional committee reports, correspondence, and other documents that constitute the research behind various ACUS recommendations.  

The ACUS database also includes HeinOnline’s Bremer-Kovacs Collection: Historic Document Related to the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946. We’ll delve further into this collection in a future blog post. Stay tuned!

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