
Jenkins Blog

With a Jenkins membership , you gain access to several legal databases that offer extensive case law collections. We have options for federal, state, local, and even international cases. Fastcase , for example, includes both federal and state reported cases. The federal collection includes full...
If you haven’t yet heard the big news about vLex and Fastcase *, the two legal tech companies are merging to form the vLex Group. Announced earlier this month, the merger purports to create both the “the world’s largest law firm subscriber base” as well as the “biggest legal data corpus ever...
With Earth Day just a few days away, celebrate by having a refresh on the variety of environmental law resources available at Jenkins. Jenkins has environmental law resources available on both our remote access membership databases and in our print collection. Print Materials Pennsylvania Law...
DAWSON (Docket Access Within a Secure Online Network) is the U.S. Tax Court's electronic filing and case management system. The system allows parties to electronically file documents and manage their cases. DAWSON also has a useful public search tool for locating U.S. Tax Court cases, orders, and...
In addition to the refresh of Jenkins’ Research Guides that we wrote about recently , users may have noticed that our online catalog has a new look as well. Jenkins is now using a platform called Encore for our online catalog. Let’s take a look at how to navigate and utilize some of its features...
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has released Patent Public Search (PPUBS) , a web-based patent search online platform for an enhanced patent research process. PPUBs has replaced legacy search tools PatFT and AppFT, but also offers similar functionality that was previously available...
Did you know Jenkins offers a free Book Pulling and Courier Delivery service ? Our staff will pull book(s) off the shelf and deliver them to you via courier for no charge. Some restrictions do apply, but if your order is 9 lbs or less and you are within the Free Delivery Area Map borders, your...
If you're interested in a book that succinctly covers the subject of legal negotiation, the 4th edition of Legal Negotiation in a Nutshell is now available on West Academic Digital Library . "Text first introduces negotiation in law practice and representing a client in legal negotiation. Covers...
LexisNexis’ updated legal research platform, Lexis+, is now available on Jenkins' onsite patron access computers. Lexis+ adds a new modern look along with new and enhanced features. One helpful new feature available on Lexis+ is Shepard’s At Risk . Shepard’s At Risk adds a notification in cases...
ProQuest Congressional offers a wide range of legislative and executive publications, and with our new content coverage, ProQuest is now one of the most comprehensive places for Jenkins members to research Congressional publications. With this remote access database, you can search for committee...