
Jenkins Blog

The Greater Philadelphia GeoHistory Network offers thousands of historic maps, plans, and surveys that show the development of the city from 1600 forward. This resource is a pilot project of Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSCL). Institutions such as the Athenaeum...
The Philadelphia Family court has implemented a public access portal to domestic relations dockets. This public acces currently includes Custody and Divorce Docket Reports. The Family Court Domestic Relations Docket Search can be accessed on the Philadelphia Court's website . From the court's...
When it comes to major life events like birth, death, marriage, divorce, purchasing or inheriting property, and so on, there’s often official paperwork - such as licenses, certificates, decrees, or records - involved. Where might Philadelphians obtain, file, and/or record such documents?...
Image of hanging files in an open cabinet drawer. "order" by paul goyette is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
Did you know that the City of Philadelphia offers a free way to monitor property records to warn property owners of potential deed or mortgage fraud? In 2019, Philadelphia’s Department of Records started providing Deed Fraud Guard , which allows property owners in Philadelphia to monitor certain...
Are you looking for an executive order issued by a Philadelphia mayor? Try searching the executive orders available from the Office of the Mayor on . The website provides access to mayoral executive orders from 1952 to present. Users can search by keyword across all mayors or use the...
Jenkins recently received the 20th edition of the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Civil Practice Manual (2021) . The manual, edited by Hon. Daniel J. Anders, Peter J. Hoffman, and Timothy R. Lawn, is updated every other year and published by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute (PBI) in cooperation...
Are you researching vacant properties in Philadelphia? The City of Philadelphia offers two different maps for locating vacant properties within the city. Check out the Philadelphia Vacant Property Indicators Viewer to see lots and buildings in the city that are likely to be vacant. “The model...
Are you looking for license or permit information for a Philadelphia business? There are a few city websites available to help you locate the information you need. With eCLIPSE , you can search for Philadelphia building permits, business licenses, activity licenses, and trade licenses. To search...
Looking for Philadelphia municipal data? Check out ; the official open data reository for Philadelphia. "OpenDataPhilly is based on the idea that providing free and easy access to data information encourages better and more transparent government and a more engaged and...
The Philadelphia Code offers a subject codification of ordinances for the City of Philadelphia, with American Legal Publishing serving as the official publisher for the Twelfth Edition (2020). The Twelfth Edition returns to the practice of a comprehensive new edition every four years and has...