
Jenkins Blog

West Academic Digital Library provides Jenkins' members with remote access to various Nutshells, Hornbooks, and Concise Hornbooks. Nutshells and Hornbooks make great reference guides, citing landmark cases, statutes, and articles. Members can read materials right in their browser, without the need...
West Academic Digital Library offers access to over 280 Nutshells, Hornbooks, and Concise Hornbooks providing valuable reference guides that cite landmark cases, statutes, and articles. As a Jenkins member, you can access publications directly in your browser, with no need to check out or download...
West Academic and HeinOnline teamed together to create the West Academic Casebooks Archive . Available via HeinOnline , this database includes not only casebooks, but hornbooks, nutshells, and other miscellaneous West books that are out-of-print and superseded. Only editions prior to the two most...
The 7th and latest edition of Trial Advocacy in a Nutshell is now available on West Academic Digital Library . This nutshell is presented in two parts. "Part 1 focuses on strategies for turning courtroom stories into “argument-centered narratives” that emphasize the evidence that supports legal...
The 7th edition of Toxic Torts in a Nutshell is now available on West Academic Digital Library . In addition to providing a general overview of toxic torts, "it also covers special defendants, such as employers, governmental entities, and government contractors; workers’ compensation; insurance...
Principles of Employment Discrimination Law is a Concise Hornbook Series publication now available on West Academic Digital Library . " Designed for use by law students, scholars, and practitioners, the book identifies the critical elements of disparate treatment and disparate impact theory and...
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Interested in or need a quick refresher on American Legal History? West Academic Digital Library has recently added A Brief American Legal History in a Nutshell to its collection and is available with your Jenkins membership. This nutshell book is a survey of the law and its influence throughout...
The latest edition of Local Government Law is now available on West Academic Digital Library . "This edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel...
With Earth Day just a few days away, celebrate by having a refresh on the variety of environmental law resources available at Jenkins. Jenkins has environmental law resources available on both our remote access membership databases and in our print collection. Print Materials Pennsylvania Law...
If you're interested in a book that succinctly covers the subject of legal negotiation, the 4th edition of Legal Negotiation in a Nutshell is now available on West Academic Digital Library . "Text first introduces negotiation in law practice and representing a client in legal negotiation. Covers...