
Jenkins Blog

The U.S. Code is available on , a service of the U.S. Government Publishing Office (G.P.O.). Govinfo has the U.S. Code from 1994 to present and it can be browsed or searched. To find and browse the U.S.C., use the "Browse by Category" option: The U.S.C. is located in the "Bills and...
Philadelphia Lawyer M. Kelly Tillery uses wit, wisdom and history to eviscerate the high and mighty and empower the downtrodden in a collection of enlightening and entertaining essays about life, law and politics. Whether it is the legal system, the legal profession, politicians or institutions,...
On January 12, 2019 the Federal Government shutdown became the longest in U.S. history. With the shutdown now in its 25th day, the President and Congress continue their negotiations. Keep up with the debate using these resources: Congressional Record (Daily) govinfo (GPO) - The Congressional Record...
What a year 2018 was for Jenkins! It all began in January - we knew that we only had 12 months before our lease at 833 Chestnut Street was set to expire. Thankfully we found the right space and signed a lease in February. Then came our biggest challenge of all: our major funding source was in...
Jenkins Law Library Reference Room
We're open in our new location! The reference PCs are humming away quietly, ready to connect you to the world of legal research. The books are organized and back on their shelves. Phones and email are up and running. To be honest, we won't be at 100% on the first day. The classroom is still a work...
The Clampetts
Between now and then our website will be still up and running. We'll have phone access this week, but it may be problematic next week. Our email access will be spotty. Sorry to be somewhat vague, but the move situation is, to use the popular phrase, "somewhat fluid."
Classroom tables and chairs
We've got some leftover furniture that we'd like to find new homes for. So we're having a yard sale! Come to our old location, 833 Chestnut St., Suite 1220 on Thursday, December 6 or Tuesday, December 11 , from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. We'll have the excess items clearly marked with our prices. Fine...
Ten Penn Center Sign
After more than 34 years at 833 Chestnut, Jenkins is moving to a new location. As of Monday, December 17 our new address will be: Ten Penn Center 1801 Market St. 9th Floor We'll be closing our doors at 833 Chestnut for the last time at 6:00 pm on Friday, November 30. We'll reopen at Ten Penn Center...
This article is republished with permission by W.S. Hein. View the original article here. The much-anticipated release of the U.S. Congressional Serial Set in HeinOnline (Phase I) is here! The Serial Set is an enormous undertaking, which is why it’s being released in phases. Included in Phase I:...
Open laptop.
This article is republished with permission by W.S. Hein. View the original article here. HeinOnline takes user feedback very seriously. Whenever possible, we implement suggestions we receive. Recently, HeinOnline user @legalkm tweeted about proximity searching: We immediately looked into whether...