Philadelphia Zoning Map
Need to find the current zoning of a property in Philadelphia? Take a look at Atlas, a search tool available from the city's Zoning, Planning and Development website. When available, Atlas provides zoning information for specific city addresses, including base district zoning maps, associated zoning overlays, and Registered Community Organizations. More information about base zoning districts and overlay zoning districts can be found in Title 14 of the Philadelphia Code.
Atlas offers multiple ways to search for a property. You can use the map provided to click on a specific property, or use the search box to search by address, intersection, property assessment account number, or Department of Records Map Registry number. The map also provides different views of city properties, including a grid view, a photographic aerial view, and a street view. For some properties, historic images may also be available.
Looking for permit information, property assessments, or licenses and inspections history? Atlas has that information, too.
Please note: section 14-106 of the Philadelphia Code states "The official zoning map shall be the version of those maps that includes the most recent amendment to zoning district boundaries approved by City Council. L&I shall keep the zoning map on file in its office in electronic form and make it available for public inspection during normal business hours."
Any questions concerning zoning districts should be followed up with the Departments of Licenses & Inspections and Planning & Development.