
Understanding the Courts: NCSC Video Series


Last week, the National Center for State Courts ( launched a set of short, easy-to-understand videos to help explain the court system as well as legal terms and processes to members of the public. 

With the goal of helping Self-Represented Litigants better prepare for court hearings and more confidently engage with the courts, these illustrated videos address topics like legal advice vs. legal information, what it means to file a motion, and what to do after being served. 

There are currently eight videos available, each of which can be found at and on vimeo:

Closed captioning is available in several languages, either by clicking the “cc” icon at the bottom of each video or when downloading from the vimeo webpages. 


Understanding Court Help: Legal Information vs. Legal Advice from State Courts on Vimeo.


Remember that these videos contain general information for people all across the country. If you want to learn more about court rules or other information that's specific to Pennsylvania & Philadelphia, come visit Jenkins to do additional research!

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