The President of our Board, Theodore "Ted" Simon, wants to both thank everyone that has responded to Jenkins’ requests to support the library and let you know that your voices have been heard by the Mayor’s Office. The house bill is now on pause and we are communicating with the Mayor’s office consistent with the demands of our membership, supporters, self represented litigants and the legal community. While we continue to oppose HB1937 which would cripple Jenkins, we also continue to support the proper governmental and constitutional funding of indigent defense. For the moment while I would ask you to continue to sign our letter of support, at this time, there is no need to further write or call the Mayor’s Office. Once again, we thank the large numbers of supporters that wrote the Mayor. We know we have a passionate group of supporters and we will keep you informed and advised when and where we need your further directed help and assistance. You have been indispensable to this collective effort to save Jenkins. (To see our prior messages, click the Blog link above.)