
Jenkins Blog

Jenkins has turned 223 years old today! Jenkins was founded in 1802 in a small room in Independence Hall and is considered America’s first law library. Jenkins has certainly come a long way in the past 223 years! Check out our historical timeline on the library's milestones that range from its...
National Library Week 2024
On Wednesday, April 10, there'll be free breakfast and lunchtime fare at Jenkins. (Spoiler alert: it's more than just crackers and cheese.) And there'll be some Jenkins swag, as well, for those of you who successfully complete our Digital Escape Room Challenge: The Founders Folly . And one more...
Jenkins lobby
For several years we've offered a CLE webinar on our remote-access databases . Now we've taken it a step further by placing our whole facility at your fingertips. We've just added a Google Street View virtual tour of our space . You can check out the digitized portraits at 3:00 am. (Are the eyes...
Flying Books
Looking for items that are not available in Jenkins collection? Our Interlibrary Loan Department may be able to help. We can obtain items from U.S. institutions and have been successful with institutions outside the U.S. We'll conduct searches to find organizations that will either lend or copy...
Looking for an unpublished opinion from the Pennsylvania Superior or Commonwealth Court? Older memorandum opinions are sometimes difficult to track down. Generally, opinions prior to 2013/2014 can be especially challenging for the researcher. One great resource to try is our new database,...
Theodore "Ted" Simon, criminal defense attorney and president/board member, Jenkins Law Library
By Theodore Simon Criminal defense attorney and president/board member, Jenkins Law Library What does being a Philadelphia lawyer mean to me? A lot! I would imagine for me, like so many other Philadelphia lawyers, it is not just the technical or historic definition but rather it is deeply personal...
"An insanely good resource!"
That's how one of our members recently described our research service , after we helped track down an 80-year-old document that isn't available online. Ever wonder what other type of research requests our librarians have assisted with? Requests can range from something as simple as pulling a...
This year Jenkins is celebrating our 220th anniversary! We were founded in 1802 in a small room in Independence Hall by a group of lawyers who combined their financial resources to purchase legal books for the growing law community in the city. We hold the prestigious position as "America's First...
HeinOnline recently introduced a new database that explores the history of legal education in Pennsylvania, specifically as it pertains to The Law Academy of Philadelphia. Edited by Dr. Joel Fishman, the Law Academy Project grew out of a paper Dr. Fishman wrote for the Duquesne History Forum. Among...
Jenkins has added Google Translate as a new feature on our website! Users now have the option to view and read our website in over 50 langauges, including Arabic, French, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Vietnamese, and more. The Google Translate feature can be found near the top...