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CasesFederal Administrative DecisionsFormsTreatises
PA Commonwealth, Superior and Supreme Courts and the U.S. Third Circuit.
Court Records & BriefsHistorical Legal Materials
State and federal cases, statutes, and more. Coverage varies by state.
Current and historical legal materials.
CasesDictionariesFederal Administrative DecisionsHistorical Legal MaterialsLaw Reviews & PeriodicalsLegislative HistoriesRegulationsStatutesTreatises
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CasesDictionariesFederal Administrative DecisionsFormsHistorical Legal MaterialsLaw Reviews & PeriodicalsLegislative HistoriesRegulationsStatutesTreatises
Historical U.S. federal, state, and territory materials, and select foreign jurisdictions.
CasesDictionariesFederal Administrative DecisionsHistorical Legal MaterialsLegislative HistoriesRegulationsStatutesTreatises
100,000+ trial court opinions from 67 Counties.
16,000+ archived memorandum opinions from PA appellate courts.
2,200+ opinions from 1952-2017.
CasesHistorical Legal Materials
State trial court records and documents.
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CasesFederal Administrative DecisionsHistorical Legal MaterialsRegulationsStatutesTreatises
International legal materials.
CasesLaw Reviews & PeriodicalsRegulationsStatutesTreatises
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CasesCourt Records & BriefsDictionariesFederal Administrative DecisionsFormsHistorical Legal MaterialsLaw Reviews & PeriodicalsLegislative HistoriesRegulationsRestatementsStatutesTreatises
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CasesCourt Records & BriefsDictionariesFederal Administrative DecisionsFormsHistorical Legal MaterialsLaw Reviews & PeriodicalsLegislative HistoriesRegulationsRestatementsStatutesTreatises