
Accessing eBooks in the LexisNexis Digital Library


LexisNexis Digital Library, powered by OverDrive, provides access to nearly 300 ebooks which represent more than 2,900 volumes of Matthew Bender treatises, forms, and federal and state law.

Members* can borrow up to five volumes with loan times of seven days each. To start reading an ebook, simply select read on the title card. There is only one copy of each ebook in the library, so if your title of interest is checked out you will have to place a hold until it becomes available. You should then be notified once it’s ready to be borrowed.                                                 

You can see your checkout history, holds, and borrowed books from the my books page, which can be selected on the left hand side of the homepage. Find ebooks by browsing subjects or collections from the browse library page, or use the search bar at the top to find a specific title or author.

Some of the titles available include:

Corbin on Contracts: Corbin on Contracts is the authoritative, exhaustive, and influential contract law treatise relied on by lawyers and is cited in countless court decisions.

Bender's Forms of Discovery: This quintessential tool for discovery in federal and state courts is the only product to combine full analysis of discovery law with a complete set of discovery forms.

New Appleman on Insurance: The New Appleman set provides in-depth analysis and complete case law support for any insurance issue a practitioner may face.

New Jersey Transaction Guide: New Jersey Transaction Guide is a 14-volume general form and procedural guide for the New Jersey practitioner covering civil, non-litigation-oriented subject areas.

Pennsylvania Law Encyclopedia: This indispensable resource discusses the basic elements of virtually every subject area pertinent to the practice of law in Pennsylvania.

*24/7 member benefit for all members except law and paralegal student

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