Firms with 2+ Attorneys
Small Firms
Jenkins gives small law firms (2-10 attorneys) access to the same tools available to large firms, including the services of our Reference Librarians. Membership in Jenkins enables them to use Jenkins' resources without leaving the office through remote access to databases such as Fastcase, HeinOnline and more.
Medium-sized Firms
Firms with 11-50 attorneys utilize many of the services offered by Jenkins including Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loan (ILL), research support, and borrowing of books. They frequently search databases they would not normally subscribe to such as Fastcase and HeinOnline.
Large Firms
Firms of more than 50 attorneys often have their own law library and law librarian; they rely on Jenkins to supplement their collection. Their librarians call our research department on a regular basis for assistance in finding obscure and hard-to-find information. They also use the Document Delivery and ILL Services and utilize databases such as PA Legislative Histories, Records & Briefs, HeinOnline (Philadelphia metro area only), ProQuest Congressional and NewsBank.
Satellite Offices
Satellite offices of Philadelphia member law firms join Jenkins so that they can contact us directly, without having to go through their main office first.
Firm Subscribers
Firms without a Philadelphia office rely on Jenkins for the same excellent level of resources and services that local firms do.