
Jenkins Blog

The 11th edition of International Business Transactions in a Nutshell is available on the West Academic Digital Library . This recently released publication "examines the law and practices relevant to the principal forms of international business and commercial transactions." Chapters incude...
If you’re a frequent Fastcase * user and/or Jenkins’ blog reader, you’ve probably noticed that the database now opens in the new Fastcase 7 (FC7) interface by default . This post will feature tips on how to select jurisdiction or sources from the main search bar in FC7. Stay tuned for future blog...
Marketing the Law Firm: Business Development Techniques by Sally J. Schmidt offers a framework for marketing decision making as well as practical tips for marketing law firms. The author aims to help both the novice and the marketing expert. This title approaches its topic pragmatically, while...
Oxford English Dictionary logo
In April of this year, the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) added 21 definitions related to the COVID-19 pandemic outside of the OED's typical updating schedule . In the months since, the OED has continued to add and update definitions related to the virus and how our daily lives have shifted. The...
Fastcase 7* (FC7) is now the default platform for Jenkins’ members! When logging into Fastcase, users will be sent directly to Fastcase’s most up-to-date interface. If you are not yet familiar with FC7, you will notice a streamlined homepage that encourages use of the main search bar. If you prefer...
Are you ready for Election Day? Deadlines for the General Election are coming up fast! October 19, 2020 is the deadline to register or update your voter registration, and October 27, 2020 (by 5:00 pm) is the deadline to sign up for a mail ballot . If you are unsure about your registration status,...
Throughout 2020, Jenkins has continued to add material to our print collection to help our members with their research. We have new titles by popular publishers, including the American Bar Association (ABA), the Pennsylvania Bar Institute (PBI), and the Practising Law Institute (PLI), that cover a...
NewsBank logo
With Election Day four weeks away, news coverage of the presidential race is heating up. Use NewsBank to keep up with news surrounding the election from around the country. To help users navigate the vast coverage of news about the election this year, NewsBank has created a 2020 U.S. Presidential...
Photo of Justice Ginsburg
As the nation mourns the passing of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933-2020), she is being remembered as a distinguished judge, passionate advocate for gender equality, and an inspiring force in the face of adversity. In a press release from the Supreme Court, her fellow jurists...
New editions of Pennsylvania Estate Planning and Pennsylvania Probate and Estate Administration are now available on LexisNexis Digital Library . Both titles belong to the LexisNexis Practice Guide Series, which provides concise and up-to-date information for practitioners. Pennsylvania Estate...