Tax Management Portfolios
The federal income tax due date for individuals filing their 2024 taxes is Tuesday, April 15th. If you're looking for guidance on complex tax issues, check out the BNA Tax Management Portfolios available on Bloomberg Law. The Tax Portfolios "provide practical analysis for developing and implementing complex federal tax strategies and working through problems that arise".
Bloomberg Law is accessible onsite at Jenkins. To access the BNA Tax Management Portfolios in Bloomberg, select “Practice Centers” at the top or left side of the page.
Choose “Tax” from the list of Practice Centers.
From this page, users can choose to search or browse the portfolios. If you have a specific topic or portfolio number of interest, enter it in the search bar. To browse, select a topic under the BNA Portfolios heading.
Once you locate the portfolio and section that you need, use the delivery icons above the document to print, download, or email the document.
Take a look at our blog titled Free Tax Filing: IRS Direct File for information about filing taxes for free. Check out our Federal Taxation research guide for additional resources.