Pennsylvania Forms on Lexis and Westlaw
Are you working from home and in need of sample Pennsylvania forms? Take advantage of the generous limited time remote access offers from Lexis and Westlaw. Both databases contain Pennsylvania form sets that cover a wide range of legal topics.
Dunlap-Hanna Pennsylvania Forms includes a variety of sample forms. Topics include business transactions, commercial law, employment law, family law, profit and non-profit organizations, real property, Register of Wills and Orphans' Court procedure, and wills and trusts. Civil, criminal, and appellate litigation is also covered.
The Pennsylvania Transaction Guide is useful for business-related forms. Topics include business entities, commercial transactions, personal transactions, real estate transactions, and wills and trusts.
West's Pennsylvania Forms includes civil and transactional forms. Topics include business organizations, civil procedure, commercial transactions, debtor-creditor, employment law, and estate planning.
Westlaw also provides many subject specific forms in the West's Pennsylvania Practice series. Subjects include criminal practice, discovery practice, evidence, appellate practice, and more. For a full list of volumes, see our Pennsylvania Secondary Materials research guide.
For more resources, check out our Pennsylvania Forms research guide. Need additional help? During the current pandemic, our reference staff remains ready to help with your research requests. You can reach us by emailing or by leaving a voicemail at 215-574-1505. We will be monitoring these during our current hours, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.