
Finding the Restatements and Uniform Commercial Code on HeinOnline

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The American Law Institute (ALI) is an independent organization that, through its various publications, works to clarify, modernize, and otherwise improve the law. Part of this work includes its most popular publications: the Restatements of the Law and the Uniform Commercial Code.

HeinOnline, a member database available to most Jenkins' members, provides access to both current and archival versions of the Restatements of the Law, the Uniform Commercial Code, and other ALI publications. To access these resources, Jenkins members need to be logged in to If you need help logging in, check out our recent blog post Logging In to

Once logged in to, navigate to the Databases and Catalog page. Click on the "Access" button next to HeinOnline. 

You will be taken to HeinOnline's main page. Once there, scroll down to the "Browse Databases by Name" option and click on "American Law Institute Library".

From there you can click directly into many ALI publications, including the Restatement & Principles of the Law and the Uniform Commercial Code.

If you click on Restatement & Principles of the Law, the Restatement and Principle projects are listed in alphabetical order. Click on your desired subject for more options, including access to the official text and various drafts. If a subject has multiple series, like Torts, clicking on that subject will bring back all available series.

Once in the American Law Institute Library, you can navigate to other ALI products, including the Uniform Commercial Code, by using the tab options at the top of the screen.

Need additional help navigating HeinOnline? Try searching the HeinOnline Knowledge Base which provides guides, videos, and tips to using the database.

Have more questions? Ask Us! Our reference staff is working remotely and ready to help with your research requests. You can reach us by emailing or by leaving a voicemail at 215-574-1505. We will be monitoring these during our reduced hours, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

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