
Find the United States Code on govinfo

The U.S. Code is available on, a service of the U.S. Government Publishing Office (G.P.O.). Govinfo has the U.S. Code from 1994 to present and it can be browsed or searched.

To find and browse the U.S.C., use the "Browse by Category" option:

The U.S.C. is located in the "Bills and Statutes" section:

Govinfo browse options for the U.S.C. include year, title, chapter, and section:

Govinfo offers two viewing options: PDF and TEXT. PDF will download the document as a PDF file which can then be saved to your computer. TEXT will open the document in another tab in your browser.

To search the U.S. Code, click the orange "Search" button.

In the "Advanced" option, under "Refine by Collection" select "United States Code".

Search results can be refined after the search by using the left side panel on the search results screen.

Do you have a citation to a U.S. Code section? Use the Citation Search:

For additional information and tips, see the About the United States Code page.

Planning to visit the library? We have annotated versions of the U.S. Code in print in the library: U.S. Code Annotated (West/Thomson Reuters) and U.S. Code Service (Lexis). Electronic versions of the Code are also available on the library's Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg Law computers.

Need to find the U.S.C. from prior to 1994? Use HeinOnline, a membership database available to most Jenkins members. HeinOnline's United States Code Collection includes the U.S.C. back to the 1925-1926 Edition.

A list of all places Jenkins members can find the U.S. Code can be found on our United States Code research guide.

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