
Five Things You Can Do in Less Than 15 Seconds in HeinOnline

  • Stopwatch image

This article is republished with permission by W.S. Hein. View the original article here.

Technological advancements have helped develop an information culture centered around instant gratification. In the research world, time is often critical when it comes to billable hours and project deadlines. The HeinOnline support team has compiled a short list of tasks which can be accomplished in less than 15 seconds in HeinOnline. This list is by no means comprehensive.


  • All tasks begin on the HeinOnline Welcome Page.
  • There are multiple ways to find material in HeinOnline; these are merely suggested methods.
  • If you happen to be a wicked-fast typist, you can probably beat our times and we encourage you to try.

1. Find a journal article by title

To find an article by title, enter the Law Journal Library and click the Advanced Search link located beneath the main search bar. Enter all or a portion of the title in an Article Title field. Click the title to view the full text of the article. With HeinOnline’s image-based PDF format, all original footnotes, charts, and images are preserved.

2. Find a page in the Federal Register by citation

To find a specific page in the Federal Register, or any other title when you know the document’s citation, use the Citation tab, which is the second option on the main search bar. Enter the citation and click the search button.

3. Find a Supreme Court case by name

Select the U.S. Supreme Court Library and click the Advanced Search link located beneath the main search bar. Use the Case Name field to enter, for example, Miranda v. Arizona. Click the case’s title to access the official, U.S. Reports-published version of this historic case.

4. Find a case from Fastcase’s database using a citation

Use the Case Law tab, which is the fourth option on the main search bar. Enter the case’s citation. The case will be pulled into HeinOnline from Fastcase. This recent blog post explains more about case law in HeinOnline.

5. Ask for help from a HeinOnline support team member

From anywhere in the database, select the Help drop-down menu from the options bar on the upper right side of the page. Choose Live Chat to be connected to a human who can help you between 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET Monday through Friday.

For help searching or navigating HeinOnline, please contact our dedicated support team at (800) 277-6995, email us, or chat with us! If you have an idea for a quick video for us to share on social media, contact








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