
Philadelphia Court Rules Now Available Online

Pennsylvania county court rules, including rules for Philadelphia Common Pleas and Municipal Courts, are now available online.

Late last summer, Pennsylvania Rule of Judicial Administration 103 was amended to include provisions that require, with regards to local court rules, the "adopting court or agency" to "publish a copy of the local rule on the website of the court or county in which the adopting court has jurisdiction". This rule change was ordered on June 28, 2016, published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on July 16, 2016 (46 Pa.B. 3790), and became effective on August 1, 2016. For the full text of this provision, see Pa.R.J.A. 103(d)(6)(ii).

Local counties, including Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery, now include their local rules of court on their courts' websites. Links to other Pennsylvania county court rules can be found using the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania's Individual County Courts page.

For a full list of how Jenkins members can access local court rules, including in print as well as on the library's Lexis and Westlaw computers, see the Pennsylvania Court Rules - County guide. This guide also highlights how to locate historical versions of local court rules.

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