
Jenkins Blog

Earlier this summer, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania issued a standing order regarding the possession and use of electronic devices in the courthouse . This order specifically addresses the use of cameras and other recording devices, including cell phones,...
NewsBank's page images of The Philadelphia Inquirer are a digital/analog experience. You can search by keywords, zoom in or out, clip articles, download them and even email 'em. That's the digital stuff you've grown up with. (Unless you're old like me, and you remember spending Sunday afternoons...
The internet is a large, complex, and continually changing system. The law surrounding the internet is no different. If you are looking for an up-to-date treatise that provides legal analysis of internet issues, check out Law of the Internet, 4th Edition by George B. Delta and Jeffrey H. Matsuura...
Citators can be helpful tools for determining whether a case is “good law” or for identifying cases and other legal material that cite to a particular authority you are researching. At Jenkins, both members and patrons from the general public can use citator tools at our onsite LexisNexis stations...
Last year Pennsylvania's General Assembly was the first state in the U.S. to pass a clean slate law. Governor Wolf signed the bill into law on June 28, 2018 . The law created an automated process to seal certain criminal and non-conviction records. It also expanded the number of misdemeanor...
New York has become the first state to ban the practice of cat declawing. Declawing surgery removes a cat's claws to eliminate the possibility of scratching. Many owners have chosen to have their cats declawed to keep their pets from scratching furniture or people. The procedure requires the...
Copyright "C" on a yellow background.
Have you ever had difficulty finding a digital image to use in a presentation, blog post, website, or other project that doesn’t infringe upon the image creator’s intellectual property rights? You’re in luck. Creative Commons recently launched a new tool called CC Search that allows users to search...
The fast pace of the 24 hour news cycle has pushed sources to break news quickly, and often sensationalize stories to remain competitive. The rush to be the first to publish has created an environment where facts are checked during or after a story breaks. Consumers are now forced to be more aware...
Sample REAL ID Card
My PA driver's license was due to expire in August, so I decided what-the-heck let me get a REAL ID. That way, after October 2020 I won't need my passport to fly domestically. Plus, if I ever have to do a class at a federal office I also won't have to remember to bring my passport to work with me...
Fastcase offers a research tool called Authority Check , which helps find later citing cases to a particular case. Authority Check can be used to locate related authority on your topic or to prioritize your research by looking for the most fequenty cited cases. In the Fastcase Classic interface,...