
Work faster and smarter with Practical Law on Westlaw

Stop reinventing the wheel! Use Practical Law (available through Westlaw at Jenkins*) to find features like standard documents and clauses, checklists, toolkits, legal updates, state-specific guidance, and more.

Many law firms rely on Practical Law to reduce wasted time (and billable hours). Jenkins' Practical Law content includes Real Estate, Commercial Transactions, Labor and Employment, Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation, Trusts and Estates, Intellectual Property & Technology, Litigation, and Fifty-State Comparison Charts. (Note that depth and availability of Practical Law content varies by practice area.)

What types of documents can be found in Practical Law? Examples include:  Advance Health Care Directive (PA), Standard Clauses in Real Estate, Background Checks Toolkit, and Guidelines for Company Social Media Use Policies.  Practical Law is a valuable resource from WestlawNext and Jenkins.

If you have any questions please call us at 215.574.1505, email or chat with us.

*Patrons must be on-site at Jenkins to use Practical Law.

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