Find Newsweek, USA Today, and Other National News Sources on NewsBank
NewsBank has a collection of national newspapers and magazines, such as Newsweek (2/25/1991-current), The Saturday Evening Post (2/1/1994-current), and USA Today (4/1/1987-current).
These and other national news resources are available in NewsBank's USA collection. Once in NewsBank, select USA from the Search Shortcuts in the middle of the screen. To access national newspapers and magazines, click USA - National from the alphabetical list of states.
This brings you to an alphabetical listing of national blogs, journals, magazines, newspapers, and videos available on NewsBank. To limit the list by source type, select Source Types from the left side menu. Clicking on a specific source type will bring back an alphabetical listing of all the titles in that source. To see the listings for more than one source type, click "Select Multiple Source Types", check the boxes next to the desired source types, then click "Include".
To browse articles from a specific source and date, click on the title you would like to browse then enter the desired date (mm-dd-yyyy).
To search a specific source, click on the desired title. Multiple sources can be searched at once by using the "Select Multiple Publications" option. Enter your search terms in the search box on the top of the screen.
NewsBank has multiple search fields, including All Text, Lead/First Paragraph, Headline, Author/Byline, and Date. NewsBank also recognizes Boolean and Proximity operators. Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT and Proximity operators ADJ[x] and NEAR[x] must be in all caps. For more search tips, including how to use wildcards, see NewsBank's Searching Help Page.
For additional training and hands-on experience using NewBank, register for the Jenkins Law Library: On Your Desktop CLE class. The class also covers membership databases like HeinOnline and ProQuest Congressional.
NewsBank is a membership resource available to all Jenkins members.