
Jenkins Blog

Last year Fastcase and HeinOnline signed a content-sharing partnership. This video covers the integration of Fastcase caselaw into HeinOnline.
Fastcase has made changes to its search engine on the Boolean search page including an internal wildcard and unlimited maximum results (which clears up an issue with incorrect citation counts). Booleans, proximity and nesting also now play better together.
If you want to find cases that cite a particular law review article in Fastcase, you'll have to use proximity searching, understand when to omit punctuation and single letters, and apply the wildcard when appropriate.
Sorting (or reordering) the results page often gives you a different slice of hits to view. Learn your sorting options for databases such as Fastcase, HeinOnline and NewsBank.
Channel your inner MacGyver and learn how to combine several free or low-cost search tools in order to perform effective legal research.