
Jenkins Blog

Need a typewriter to complete a form? Come to Jenkins. We have a typewriter here at the library for public use. Check out our website for more information about our access policies and hours . Have any questions? Ask us !
Jenkins is seeking a Reference Librarian to join our team of information professionals.
Jenkins will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, March 7th due to the impending storm. Forecasts have predicted severe winter weather conditions that will make travel very hazardous or impossible. The Philadelphia Courts will also be closed. Our online services are always available 24x7 on jenkinslaw...
Our voicemail system is down and due to the holiday season, it is unlikely that it can be repaired until after the New Year's holiday. Please email us: or
Harold Cramer, Esq.
It is with great sorrow and sadness that I write to the Jenkins' Law Library community with the news of my father's passing on Friday, September 1st. My Dad was a very impressive person as many of you know from having worked with him and listened to his many stories (sometimes more than once). For...
One more way we're bringing the library to you! As a thank you to our members, Jenkins is offering our Book Pulling and Courier Delivery service free of charge . Starting Tuesday, September 5th, for a limited time, our staff will pull book(s) off the shelf and deliver them to you via courier. Some...
You may not be aware, but there is a proposal to pay for the rate increase for court-appointed conflict counsel using funding that Jenkins receives from a surcharge on court filing fees. If this were to happen, it threatens Jenkins' very existence. Court filing fees account for 70% of our revenue...
Step One: Request a password reset email. You must create a password for accessing our website. To do this, visit this page and enter the email address associated with your Jenkins account. This is the email that you gave us when signing up for your membership. If you work for a firm, this is your...
Get connected to the many social medial resources available at Jenkins.
Jenkins is proud to present our new website. The site has been redesigned to make it more attractive, accessible and useful to our members. What you are seeing is only the first phase of a vastly improved online experience…