Free Online Caselaw Searching:
Looking for a free online research tool to search caselaw? Try!
With AI-generated summaries of over 3.3 million opinions, is a great place to search caselaw that is freely accessible with no logins or fees in order to access content.
Not only can you search state and federal content across all 50 states, but's search bar uses natural language. Simply input relevant legal terms, concepts, or case facts and the results will match and/or find similar or related concepts/terms/or case facts within the case list results.
Here is an example of a search:
In the search results, the user can either sort by relevance or most recent, and they can narrow by state/jurisdiction. Additionally, within the results list the user will see an AI-generated summary of the case along with a 'Match score' -- rating how closely it matches with the original search conducted. The case summary and match score features help reduce research time drastically, allowing the user to go through results with ease.
When selecting a case of interest, the user will be able to see and review the original opinion and the full case caption once they click onto the case to varify the summarized content created by Additionally, results marked with a 'has abstract' sparkle have an abstract that pulls other information of interest from the case into a list -- such as: parties, introduction, background, procedural history, issues presented, analysis, holding, and conclusion. Again, it is extremely important to verify this extracted information in tandem with the original opinion and case details.*
To learn more, visit the FAQ page or view their quick demo video!
*Additional Note: According to their FAQ page, is not searching the internet and is "unlikely to conflate cases together or 'hallucinate' answers." However, uses a third party service, the OpenAI engine, to generate summaries. "does not review or validate the summaries" for accuracy. As with all Generative AI, users must be careful to verify information. Attorneys should also ensure to read ABA and PBA ethics opinions on AI use int their practice.