
Jenkins' Court Records & Briefs Database


At Jenkins we have a large collection of Pennsylvania briefs and records from the Pennsylvania Appellate Courts. After 2006, most of the material has been digitized, and much of it is accessible for free to Jenkins' members in our Court Records & Briefs database.

If you are looking for a particular brief, you can search this database by Case Name or Docket Number. You can also do a general Full Text search through any of the digitized content (2006 - current). Results can be filtered by Court or Year.

Once you have run your search, view your results. Material that is in electronic format (2006 - current) will appear in your results list with a little thumbprint image of the document.

In order to view an item, it must be indexed as a brief. Simply select the item to see the digital version. If the label includes the terms Record, Appendix, or the more generic Document, it is not available remotely for confidentiality reasons.

Most older items (pre-2006) have not yet been digitized, although index entries will appear in the database. This older material exists in our collection on microfiche.

If you are looking for materials that may be on michrofiche or would like to inquire about obtaining digitized items not available remotely, please email us at Our Document Delivery charges may apply.

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Trying to work remotely and need to view a brief? At Jenkins we have a large collection of Pennsylvania briefs and records from the Pennsylvania Appellate Courts. After 2006, most of the material has been digitized, and much of it is accessible for free to Jenkins' members in our Court Records...
At Jenkins we have a large collection of Pennsylvania briefs and records going all the way back to the 1800s. After 2006, most of the material has been digitized, and much of it is accessible for free to Jenkins' members through our Court Records & Briefs database . In the database, material...
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