Fastcase Access Now Defaults to Fastcase 7
Fastcase 7* (FC7) is now the default platform for Jenkins’ members! When logging into Fastcase, users will be sent directly to Fastcase’s most up-to-date interface. If you are not yet familiar with FC7, you will notice a streamlined homepage that encourages use of the main search bar.
If you prefer to browse for materials, choose the “Browse Libraries” link directly below the search bar. This will open a list of Fastcase’s primary and secondary materials. Primary sources include cases, court rules, legislative, and administrative materials. Secondary sources include popular treatises covering a wide range of legal topics, such as bankruptcy, estate planning, evidence, family law, personal injury, real estate, and more.
Fastcase 6 is still accessible by a toggle option located under the account menu. This is a useful feature if you are still getting used to FC7.
To learn more about FC7, check out the many video tutorials available on Fastcase's website. Tutorials are available for database navigation, advanced search settings, selecting jurisdictions and sources, results page features, and much more. You can also sign up for our "Getting the Most Out of Fastcase" CLE scheduled for November 18, 2020. Jenkins' librarians can help too. Ask us!
* A 24/7 member benefit for sole practitioners and attorneys in firms with less than 50 attorneys