Finding Philadelphia Bar Association Ethics Opinions
The Professional Guidance Committee of the Philadelphia Bar Association "provides, upon request, advice for lawyers facing or anticipating facing ethical dilemmas". Though the ethics opinions are advisory only and based on the facts provided to the Committee, they can be helpful resources for attorneys who may be facing similar situations.
The Philadelphia Bar Association provides free access to its full text ethics opinions beginning with 1987 on its website. Opinions are browsable by year. There is also a Descriptive Word Index for those who want to browse opinions by subject.
The opinions are also searchable by using the search bar found at the top of the Philadelphia Bar Association's website. If your search term returns too many non-ethics results, try adding the word ethics to the search.
For opinions from before 1987, Jenkins has access to select summaries in some of our print resources, including in the Digest of Bar Association Ethics Opinions and Summaries of Opinions, Compiled by Professional Guidance Committee of the Philadelphia Bar Association.
For a list of more resources available at Jenkins to find ethics opinions, including those from the American Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Bar Association, check out our Legal Ethics & Professional Conduct research guide.