Raffle Winners and Answers to Trivia Questions
First, we at Jenkins Law Library want to thank everyone for a wonderful celebration of National Library Week last week. Whether you were at our Grand Opening last Wednesday, helping us cut the ribbon, entering our daily raffle for the chance to win prizes, or just stopping by for breakfast and a “hello”, Jenkins truly appreciates your support of our library, going strong for over 215 years!
Now, without further ado, let’s get to our winners of last week’s raffle! Just as a reminder, each day was a new raffle, and we had several winners each day! And our winners are:
Richard Brown Jr
Daniel Turner
Jennifer Tobin
Mary Catherine Baur
Gary Lee
Jeffry Homel
Scott Rosentrater
Tom Landis
Carol Carty
Greg Shenkman
Kat McKay
Jerilynn Donaldson
Robert G. Sellers, Esq.
James Gross
Cowanis Duckett
Gwen Friedman
Theodore C. Forrence
Janet Steiner
John Carson
Congrats to all our winners! We will contact you individually with your prizes!
Now on to the fun part, the answers to the trivia questions!
1. How many Westlaw terminals does Jenkins provide?
2. Where was Jenkins Law Library’s first home?
Independence Hall
3. How many Lexis terminals does Jenkins provide?
4. What is Madeline Jenkins full name?
Madeleine Archambault Hart Jenkins
5. How many Bloomberg Law terminals does Jenkins provide?
6. What year was the library formed?
7. What is the total number of book stacks in the General Collection?
8. Who holds the number one spot on the Mural Wall?
George Wharton Pepper- this one was tricky. The Mural Wall is located in the back of our library and there’s a key that numbers all the portraits. The number one spot is located in the top left corner.
9. What is the total number of book stacks in the Pennsylvania Sections?
10. What was the library’s first name?
The Law Library Company of the City of Philadelphia
Thanks to everyone who participated in our raffle! We hope you enjoyed some trivia about Jenkins and learned something new!