
Reinventing Witness Preparation: Unlocking the Secrets to Testimonial Success, by Kenneth R. Berman


In Reinventing Witness Preparation, seasoned litigator Kenneth Berman explains the dangers of conventional witness preparation, showing how the common approach to preparing witnesses can foul up a case and hand victory to the other side. This book introduces a new and enlightened approach to witness preparation: that witnesses need to give answers that actually help their cases, and the best time to give the best answer is when the question is first asked. In this book, you will learn: How to empower witnesses to testify so the fact finder understands the testimony as the witness meant it to be understood, How to teach witnesses ways to give well-informed truthful answers that avoid pitfalls lurking in the questions, How to enable witnesses to answer ambiguous questions and yes or no questions in ways that support the theme of the case, and more.

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