

  • DSM-5 book cover

Litigators in areas such as criminal law, social security, civil rights and insurance sometimes refer to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Jenkins has several editions of the manual in its collection.  The current is DSM-5 from 2013.

The DSM, put out by the American Psychiatric Association, is used by those in the medical community to diagnose and classify mental disorders: "DSM is intended to serve as a practical, functional, and flexible guide for organizing information that can aid in the accurate diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.  It is a tool for clinicians, an essential educational resource for students and practitioners, and a reference for researchers in the field." (DSM-5 Preface, 5th ed, p. xli.) Diagnostic criteria and codes include Depressive Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders, and Personality Disorders.

American Psychiatric Association Publishing, which publishes the DSM, provides free searching of the title on its website. The results come back with excerpts only, but this may be enough to get you started and help verify what is needed from the print manual.

DSM-5 does not loan in Jenkins' collection - copies can be ordered through our Document Delivery department (copyright restrictions apply).  Need an edition we don't own? Contact our Interlibrary Loan department at or 215.574.7933.