
Find Fashion Law Books at Jenkins

The law surrounding the fashion industry is an emerging legal field. Jenkins has materials to help you navigate this growing area.

Legal publishers, including the American Bar Association and the Practising Law Institute, have published books focusing on fashion law, including The American Bar Association's Legal Guide to Fashion DesignFashion Law and Business: Brands & Retailers, and The Little Book of Fashion Law. These titles are available in the library and can be borrowed by our members.

Those doing research in fashion law may benefit from looking at intellectual property and entertainment law treatises. Some popular titles available in print at Jenkins are Gilson on Trademarks, McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition, and Lindey on Entertainment, Publishing, and the Arts: Agreements and the Law. The McCarthy and Lindey treatises are also available on the library's WestlawNext computers.

Select intellectual property titles are also available on member's desktops via the Law Journal Press Online Books (available to firms with less than 50 attorneys), Loislaw Treatise Library, and Nolo databases. Each of these databases has intellectual property collections. For help using these databases, see our YouTube channel for video instructions.

Law journal articles may offer additional background information on newer legal areas like fashion law. Jenkins' members have access to the Law Journal Library on HeinOnline on their desktops. The "Advanced Search" option allows users to limit the law journals being searched to just those classified as "intellectual property". Some of the more recent fashion law articles available on Hein include "Cleaning out the Closet: A Proposal to Eliminate the Aesthetic Functionality Doctrine in the Fashion Industry" by Jessie A. Maihos (4 Pace Intell. Prop. Sports & Ent. L.F. 299 (2014)), "The Distinctiveness of a Fashion Monopoly" by Haochen Sun (3 NYU J. Intell. Prop. & Ent. L. 142 (2013-2014)), and "Dubious Legal Rationale for Denying Copyright to Fashion" by Samson Vermont (21 Tex. Intell. Prop. L.J. 89 (2013)).

Hands-on instruction for these databases and more is offered in our Jenkins Law Library: On Your Desktop CLE class.

For assistance navigating these sources, Jenkins' members can contact our Reference Librarians at 215.574.1505,, or chat.

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