
Jenkins On Your Desktop: ABA Journals on LegalTrac

Use LegalTrac to find articles from American Bar Association journals, magazines, and newsletters. Many titles include full text from 2007-present, and indexing goes back to the 1980s. ABA titles have a two week embargo between publication date and availability on LegalTrac.

ABA titles available in full text on LegalTrac include ABA Journal (May 1, 2007 - present), Administrative Law Review (January 1, 2007 - present), Business Lawyer (November 1, 1991 - present), Criminal Justice (January 1, 2008 - present), Family Law Quarterly (January 1, 2007 - present), and Young Lawyer (July 1, 2007 - July 1, 2013).

To access this collection, use your last name and member number to log into Jenkins' website. From the Member Center, select LegalTrac.

To search all the ABA publications on LegalTrac, select Advanced Search from the gold menu bar in LegalTrac. Enter your keyword(s) into the first search box. In the second search box, enter "American Bar Association" and change the drop-down option to "Publisher Name". Make sure to un-check the "documents with full text" and "peer-reviewed publications" selections. A date restriction can also be added.

To search all available issues of a specific title, select Advanced Search from the gold menu bar. Enter your keyword(s) into the first search box. In the second search box, enter the title of the publication in quotation marks and change the drop-down option to "Publication Title". Make sure to un-check the "documents with full text" and "peer-reviewed publications" selections.

For a search with a large list of results, it may be helpful to "Search within results", located on the left side of the search results list. Other post-search limiters include subject, publication title, and date.

LegalTrac is a membership resource available to all Jenkins members.

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