
Jenkins Blog

This reference guide provides summary coverage of personal injury damage awards for the most popular jurisdictions in the U.S. for the past 3 years. The book is divided according to the type of injury and then by whether the award was deemed adequate, inadequate or excessive on appeal, the location...
Contains official code text and provides detailed analysis of Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Articles 1 through 9. Covers the governing law and principles and includes expert commentary on commercial law practices. Encompasses historical development of modern commercial practices, consumer product...
Need the phone number to the Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy? The paralegal for Income Tax and Accounting at the Internal Revenue Service? The Chief Litigation Counsel for the Bureau of Consumer Protection? Try the Federal Yellow Book! Jenkins...
Researching a court rule and looking for cases? Shepardize or Keycite the rule. Take as an example PARCP 402 which deals with manner and acceptance of service. When you pull up this rule on Westlaw, you get over 1,000 citing references: These citing references can then be filtered by cases,...
403(b) Answer Book is the only professional resource that systematically answers hundreds of questions on Section 403(b) plans, 501(c)(3) organizations, and church plans. It provides insight on how to handle complicated issues not yet resolved by the IRS or the courts and includes coverage of plan...
A little more than seventy-five years ago, Kate L. Turabian drafted a set of guidelines to help students understand how to write, cite, and formally submit research writing. Seven editions and more than nine million copies later, the name Turabian has become synonymous with best practices in...
Looking for an already pulled together Federal legislative history? Try HeinOnline's US Federal Legislative History Library . Browse by Publication Title , Public Law Number or Popular Name . Have a specific document you need to find, like a report or hearing? Try HeinOnline's US Congressional...
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Principles of Business Organizations , available on the West Academic Digital Library , "examines the legal rules and doctrines associated with running a business—from formation to dissolution to everything in between". By Richard D. Freer and Douglas K. Moll, this title broadly covers the topics...
Changes to Pennsylvania's child custody laws went into effect earlier this month. The new law, Act 21 of 2018 , amends Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania statutes as it relates to "providing for standing for any form of physical custody or legal custody, for standing for partial...
Advising the Small Business, Third Edition includes many updates and new forms, in addition to all of the general guidance, forms, checklists, and resources from the first two editions, on issues that small businesses commonly face. This guidance can be invaluable to attorneys who do not have...