
Jenkins Blog

American Lawyer Media (ALM) publishes several useful Pennsylvania titles that focus on a specific area or topic of law. You can find a complete collection of these here at Jenkins. Titles are typically available in both print and electronic formats due to their popularity. Titles include: Library...
The Greater Philadelphia Law Library Association’s (GPLLA) Social Responsibilities Committee recently announced the launch of Pennsylvania Legal Research 101: About the Law and How to Find It . Focusing on free online sources of information, this guide was created to help the general public...
If you are preparing for civil litigation in PA, check out LexisNexis Practice Guide: Pennsylvania Civil Pre-Trial Practice , available in LexisNexis Digital Library and in print . Edited by Hon. Daniel J. Anders and Bobby Ochoa III, Esq. and authored by an advisory board of experienced trial...
Earlier this year, the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC) launched a new subscription feature that allows attorneys, members of the public, and the media to sign up for email updates on court news and information. According to a February 17th press release , the new feature is...
Those looking to appeal a case to the Pennsylvania Commonwealth, Superior, or Supreme Courts may find themselves asking the questions: Who has the right to appeal? ; Where should I appeal to? ; How long do I have to appeal? ; What orders/decisions/opinions can be appealed? ; and How do I appeal?...
Did you know that many Pennsylvania Court dockets are available to the public online? Docket sheets typically list the proceedings and documents filed in a case. They can be helpful in figuring out what has happened in a case so far, or what stage a case might be in ( but note that there may be a...
Corbin on Pennsylvania Contracts is a new addition to our LexisNexis Digital Library . This title thoroughly covers Pennsylvania contract law and was designed to help the busy practitioner: "It is written and organized in a manner consistent with the Corbin treatise [Corbin on Contracts], and in...
Legislative histories can help determine the legislative intent of a particular statute. Librarians at Jenkins compile Pennsylvania legislative histories upon request. Our histories include remarks and debate found in the Pennsylvania House and Senate Journals. The histories we have already...
Sample REAL ID Card
My PA driver's license was due to expire in August, so I decided what-the-heck let me get a REAL ID. That way, after October 2020 I won't need my passport to fly domestically. Plus, if I ever have to do a class at a federal office I also won't have to remember to bring my passport to work with me...
Pennsylvania Judicial Discipline Handbook by Sarah A. Steers, J.D. and Joel Fishman, PH.D., M.L.S. (George T. Bisel Company, 2018) pulls together important information and case law on judicial discipline. It is a great resource for attorneys and judges, and specifically for those who serve as...