
GPLLA Launches PA Legal Research 101 Guide


The Greater Philadelphia Law Library Association’s (GPLLA) Social Responsibilities Committee recently announced the launch of Pennsylvania Legal Research 101: About the Law and How to Find It. Focusing on free online sources of information, this guide was created to help the general public research federal, Pennsylvania, and Philadelphia law. It is intended to be an educational guide to help users develop a strong foundation for doing legal research. 

Pennsylvania Legal Research 101 describes what “the law” is, how it’s created by different branches of the government, and where to find it. To that effect, the guide is broken down into various parts:

While this guide aims to increase the general public’s access to legal information – thereby making a contribution to the greater Access to Justice movement – it may also be a helpful resource for experienced researchers. 

If you'd like to learn more about the guide, the authors will be hosting a free webinar via Zoom on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd at noon. To participate, sign up via the GPLLA website. Typos, mistakes, or other suggested updates may be submitted to

Please feel free to use and share Pennsylvania Legal Research 101!

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