
New Member Database - Pennsylvania Election Law Legislative Histories


Jenkins is excited to announce the addition of a new database for our members, Pennsylvania Election Law Legislative Histories. Since the 2020 election, we have received numerous requests for legislative histories of acts related to Pennsylvania election law. To benefit our library members, we have added over 90 compiled legislative histories into a remote access database. Each legislative history is indexed to allow users to search across multiple fields, including the act number, bill number, P.L. number, and joint resolution number, if applicable. The database is also full text searchable.

The Pennsylvania Election Law Legislative Histories database includes legislative histories of acts amending the Pennsylvania Election Code (1937, PL 1333, Act 320), Title 25 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, and Article VII of the Pennsylvania Constitution.*

When compiling a Pennsylvania Legislative History, Jenkins includes only the debates and remarks on a particular bill, which are published in the Legislative Journals for the House and the Senate. For our Pennsylvania election law legislative histories, we have also included references to any Committee of Conference found in the House and Senate Journals. 

Jenkins does not receive the Committee Reports for the Pennsylvania House or Senate Bills. See our Pennsylvania Legislative History research guide for information on locating committee materials. 

Need help searching the database? Ask us!


*Histories are available for many, but not all, related bills.

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